Making the game of golf more accessible and welcoming to women.

Monthly Archives: February 2017

Build your confidence on the first tee: How to Prepare to play your best!

Honestly, who hasn’t had the first tee jitters. At all stages of our playing careers we have all experienced anxiety, butterflies, elevated heart rate and sweaty palms on the first tee.

Whether you are playing for the first time, competing in your first amateur tournament, competing in a professional event, entertaining clients for business golf or playing in a club championship, we have all experienced nerves on the first tee.

The preparation you take in the weeks or months prior to your golf game will help you relax and enjoy your day. Once you understand that all golfers feel the same way on the first tee, you can use the tactics below to alleviate your stress. Professional golfers often get anxious about performing in front of a crowd and it is compounded if they know they haven’t put in the practice. The game of golf is played over 18 holes with all types of shots and terrains being tested, so reduce the pressure by relying less on making a perfect first tee shot and focus on what you can do well.
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Now would be a good time to get school support workers back in the classroom! My kids texted me every hour asking if our house burned down. Kids are scared. And being away from home right now is torture for them #TantallonFire School support workers are needed!

Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 200 homes or structures have been damaged as a result of the fires. A full assessment of the damage cannot yet be confirmed. Details: https://fal.cn/3yDqo

Update: fire evacuation order now issued to include Maplewood, Voyageur Way including St. George Blvd area including all side streets, McCabe Lake area and Indigo Shores. Evacuation orders will not be lifted before Monday. Take your pets. Check @hfxgov for updates.

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I got my clubs out of storage after 7 years. I am learning golf techniques, meeting great women and not giving into arthritis. Sara looks after everything and makes it so easy for us busy women who want to play golf.
Linda Crewe


Sara Wilson Director & Coach

E-mail: metroladiesgolf@gmail.com

Phone: 902-449-2062
