Making the game of golf more accessible and welcoming to women.

Monthly Archives: December 2019

Nutrition for Golfers – Fuel your Body to play your best!

Nutrition Plan for Golfers

What changes will you make to ensure your body is ready to perform? Some small changes like reducing sugar, alcohol, caffeine and hotdogs can make a big difference.

Golf works all parts of the body and requires cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. A typical golf game, including walking and carrying clubs, can burn 330 calories on average per hour. Nutrition is an important aspect of your golf game, as it supports your body’s needs while playing the sport, but outside of your game or practice it’s important to maintain a balanced diet. Proper hydration, and a variety of nutritious foods can help you perform well on the course.


Water is essential to the human body, as it support cells in transporting nutrients, eliminating waste and regulating and maintaining body temperature. If you feel thirsty, you body is already heading toward dehydration, so it is important to drink water before you ever sense thirst. During practice or in a round of golf, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking 3 to 8 fluid ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

Eating Before you Play

The Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition group recommends fueling your body before you start a game or practice. This includes a carbohydrate-rich snack or meal to fill up muscle stores. Protein is also important to build and repair muscle while helping reduce post-exercise soreness. A pregame meal or snack could include a meat sandwich on whole-grain bread, an apple with peanut butter or cottage cheese with grapes. Don’t choose foods in your meal or snack that are hard to digest such as high-fibre or fatty foods.

Fueling During Play

During your golf game or practice, you need to replenish the fluids and energy you have used. Take advantage of a breaks to re-hydrate and eat a snack. Eating replenishes your carbohydrate stores to help you maintain concentration and the accuracy of your shots. Try easy-to-digest carbohydrate foods such as a piece of fruit, a sports or cereal bar or a sports beverage that provides quick sugar and fluids.

Recovering From Golf

Recovery nutrition helps your body restore fluids, electrolytes and muscle glycogen and also repairs and stimulates muscle growth. For your body to recover it is recommended by the Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition group to have a snack or a meal that includes fluids, protein and carbohydrates within 15 to 30 minutes after your round of golf or practice. Easy carbohydrate and protein snacks include chocolate milk, dairy-based fruit smoothies or a balanced meal with lean meat, whole-grains, and fruits or vegetables.

Source: Lindsay Stern is a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist who has been working in community and clinical nutrition since 2006. Currently she specializes in wellness and prevention and has been a certified Health and Wellness Coach since 2012. Stern holds Master of Public Health nutrition from the University of Minnesota.


15 hours ago

Metro Ladies Golf Inc.
Had a blast at National Juniors supporting Team NS. What an incredible experience and course at Marine Drive in Vancouver. The girls played amazing in very tough playing conditions. also connected with female coaches from around the country. I just know if we lived closer we would be besties. Finding a group of women to connect with in the golf industry has been my favourite part. Can’t wait to see many of them at the National boys in Alberta next month! ... See MoreSee Less
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Our ladies had a foggy but fun start to the day Indian Lake Golf Course can you believe they all made it over the pond! What pond? ... See MoreSee Less
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Good luck to all our members playing in the Chester Field Day! Enjoy the views and fun! ... See MoreSee Less
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Shelley with a birdie! ... See MoreSee Less
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Congrats to all the players who played. And those Metro Ladies members that enjoy some fun competition congrats to our members Crystal Nowe who captured low gross in flight 3 and Colleen Doyle for Low Net honours in flight 4! 🏆 ... See MoreSee Less
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Now would be a good time to get school support workers back in the classroom! My kids texted me every hour asking if our house burned down. Kids are scared. And being away from home right now is torture for them #TantallonFire School support workers are needed!

Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 200 homes or structures have been damaged as a result of the fires. A full assessment of the damage cannot yet be confirmed. Details: https://fal.cn/3yDqo

Update: fire evacuation order now issued to include Maplewood, Voyageur Way including St. George Blvd area including all side streets, McCabe Lake area and Indigo Shores. Evacuation orders will not be lifted before Monday. Take your pets. Check @hfxgov for updates.

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As a beginner golfer I can enjoy the game without intimidation or fear. Several scheduled tee times per week make it possible to pick and choose times and courses convenient to the golfer. It’s been a great summer of social golfing and of skill development. I look forward to next season.
Nancy Bowie


Sara Wilson Director & Coach

E-mail: metroladiesgolf@gmail.com

Phone: 902-449-2062
