Making the game of golf more accessible and welcoming to women.

Category: Blog

Build your confidence on the first tee: How to Prepare to play your best!

Honestly, who hasn’t had the first tee jitters. At all stages of our playing careers we have all experienced anxiety, butterflies, elevated heart rate and sweaty palms on the first tee.

Whether you are playing for the first time, competing in your first amateur tournament, competing in a professional event, entertaining clients for business golf or playing in a club championship, we have all experienced nerves on the first tee.

The preparation you take in the weeks or months prior to your golf game will help you relax and enjoy your day. Once you understand that all golfers feel the same way on the first tee, you can use the tactics below to alleviate your stress. Professional golfers often get anxious about performing in front of a crowd and it is compounded if they know they haven’t put in the practice. The game of golf is played over 18 holes with all types of shots and terrains being tested, so reduce the pressure by relying less on making a perfect first tee shot and focus on what you can do well.
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5 Tips for Women to Get into Golf

The return of warmer weather has many thinking about outdoor activities. If you are a women thinking about giving golf a try this year check out these 5 tips to getting into golf:   Read More >>>

It’s Never to Late to Learn to Golf

Meet Debbie
She has proved you are never to late to start to play golf! Speaking to her last fall she must have played every day until the snow began! Hope she inspires you to get out there!   Read More >>>

Why You Need Your Own Clubs

Ladies, learning to golf this year? Why you need your own clubs.

Golf clubs are not all the same. The worst thing you can do for your development is tell yourself you will buy a set of golf clubs once you get better. The truth is you will get better sooner with a set of clubs fitted for your skill level and body type. Ladies golf clubs are lightweight with graphite shafts, shorter, more flexible and have smaller grips. These features will suit many females out there.   Read More >>>

Fall is Here! The Perfect Time to Prepare for Golf Season

Use the time away from the course to become a better golfer. Sounds funny, but you will see results! We all know undergoing a change of any kind takes time. Whether you were working with a golf instructor, relative or friend, swing changes we try to implement need careful practice in order to become a new habit. Be reasonable with your expectations. We are all guilty of feeling as though a golf lesson will fix our swing. But the truth is that only with proper, careful practice will we see the positive results. Follow these steps to be prepared to play better golf next spring!   Read More >>>

Caddie Chronicles: The Rise of a PGA Star

The week I spent as a Caddie during the Nova Scotia Open is one of most amazing weeks of my career and personal life – A week I will never forget! Any chance I can get to be inside the ropes of a professional golf event I want to be there.

I first met Abraham Ancer at last year’s Tournament and was on the bag for him on Friday. He didn’t make the cut, but he did make a charge on the back 9. I saw that he was 39th on the money list this year. So I sent him a quick note on twitter congratulating him on his impressive play and asked if he was coming to Halifax again. He responded by asking me to be his caddie.   Read More >>>

Golf Creates Lasting Friendships Among Strangers

When a group of ladies, some who had never met before embarked on a destination golf vacation nobody expected to leave with lasting friendships. But that is exactly what happened for our group of ladies when we travelled from Halifax to Grand Bahama this past April. Golf is what brought us there, but we left with so much more!   Read More >>>

Enjoy family time – Get your kids into golf!

I have many fond memories of my parents, brother and I playing a round of golf together every Sunday afternoon at 2:04pm. We used this time to reconnect, laugh and plan our next week’s activities. I didn’t realize it at the time, but now that I am a parent those were times I will always cherish.   Read More >>>

Heading out for a round of Golf? 5 Etiquette Tips you must know

Nobody wants to feel rushed or uncomfortable during their time at the course. Golf is played without the supervision of a referee. By being a courteous and respectful player everyone will enjoy the spirit of the game.

By following these 5 simple rules you will be welcomed by any foursome:   Read More >>>

Learn to Golf: For Runners

Follow these 6 Steps to become a Golfer this Summer

I am a golfer.

Earlier this year I had a great meeting with Stacy Chestnutt, Race Director for Sole Sisters Women’s Race. We share a similar passion to see women empower one another and encourage ladies and girls to become physically active. Stacy is a runner, a serious runner. I learned that day that Stacy has never swung a golf club in her life. Later, I was thinking about our meeting and thought to myself, If you can run 40 marathons, you can play golf! So I have decided to create this easy program so all runners can Learn to Golf this summer.   Read More >>>


21 hours ago

Metro Ladies Golf Inc.
Had a blast at National Juniors supporting Team NS. What an incredible experience and course at Marine Drive in Vancouver. The girls played amazing in very tough playing conditions. also connected with female coaches from around the country. I just know if we lived closer we would be besties. Finding a group of women to connect with in the golf industry has been my favourite part. Can’t wait to see many of them at the National boys in Alberta next month! ... See MoreSee Less
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Our ladies had a foggy but fun start to the day Indian Lake Golf Course can you believe they all made it over the pond! What pond? ... See MoreSee Less
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Good luck to all our members playing in the Chester Field Day! Enjoy the views and fun! ... See MoreSee Less
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Shelley with a birdie! ... See MoreSee Less
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Congrats to all the players who played. And those Metro Ladies members that enjoy some fun competition congrats to our members Crystal Nowe who captured low gross in flight 3 and Colleen Doyle for Low Net honours in flight 4! 🏆 ... See MoreSee Less
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Now would be a good time to get school support workers back in the classroom! My kids texted me every hour asking if our house burned down. Kids are scared. And being away from home right now is torture for them #TantallonFire School support workers are needed!

Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately 200 homes or structures have been damaged as a result of the fires. A full assessment of the damage cannot yet be confirmed. Details: https://fal.cn/3yDqo

Update: fire evacuation order now issued to include Maplewood, Voyageur Way including St. George Blvd area including all side streets, McCabe Lake area and Indigo Shores. Evacuation orders will not be lifted before Monday. Take your pets. Check @hfxgov for updates.

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Thank you, Sara, for your good instruction…  Over the past couple of years, my game had regressed to a point where I wasn’t really enjoying the sport as much.  However, now I am striking the ball better…Thank you again.
Anita Newman


Sara Wilson Director & Coach

E-mail: metroladiesgolf@gmail.com

Phone: 902-449-2062
